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What type of service are you looking for?
NatLegal provides a variety of legal serving services that are sure to work for you. Easy is better. We get it.
Process Service
When it comes to delivering what matters we're there in a hurry. Natlegal appoints duly trained registered process servers that are kept up to date with the latest codes and procedures to effectively execute your service of process.
Court Service
Our court service professionals are there to review your State, Federal and Public Office filings and are held to the highest standards by upholding to the latest procedures and practices.
Landlord/Tenant Service
Cases involving landlord or tenant disputes are taken care of by our professional staff that are proficient in handling this area of litigation.
Document Retrieval Service
Looking to get a hold of certain documents in a snap? We'll assist you in retrieving whatever documents you need as soon as possible.
Messanger/Courier Service
We deliver at the speed that you need. Count on our trusted staff to get important documents into the right hands with the personal attention you would expect.
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